
Invitation for the “Cultural Property Protection Course”


From 2 to 6 September 2024, MPSOTC will organize the “Cultural Property Protection Course”. Its primary objective is to deepen participants’ knowledge and awareness about the importance of Cultural Property Protection in various contexts – from armed conflicts to post-conflict societies. The course is conducted with the collaboration of Experts (SMEs) and Instructors from the …

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Invitation for Safety Of Journalists Training School


From 16 to 20 September 2024, Hellenic MPSOTC and the School of Journalism and Mass Media at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki will conduct a new iteration of the successful “Safety for Journalists Training School.” This ongoing course enables journalists and media workers to practically prepare as war correspondents and cover stories from crisis areas. Participants …

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Invitation for Hostile Environment Awareness Training Course


From 9 to 13 September 2024, Hellenic MPSOTC continuing the successful collaboration with “Meducation – International Medical and Training Institute”, will conduct the 3rd “Hostile Environment Awareness Training Course”. The purpose of this course is to improve participants’ awareness of the multiple threats present in hostile field environments, thereby increasing their survivability. Enroll for one …

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Hellenic MPSOTC Delegation visit to the POTC in Jordan

MPSOTC visit to Jordan

From 2 to the 6 June, a delegation from Hellenic MPSOTC visited the Peace Operations Training Center (POTC) in Jordan, within the framework of the Military Cooperation Program of Greece and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The official visit by the Commander of MPSOTC, Colonel Dimitrios KARATZAS and the Quality Assurance Officer of the Center, …

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Hostile Environment Awareness Training Course (HEAT)

HEAT Training Photos Apr24

From 22 to 26 April 24, the Hellenic MPSOTC, in collaboration with MEDUCATION, a renowned international medical and training institute specializing in Emergency Prehospital Care conducted another “Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT)”. The course was a comprehensive program designed to significantly enhance the preparedness of individuals working in high-risk environments and to augment their awareness …

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NATO Peace Support Operations Basic Course

PSO Training Photos

From April 15 to 26, 2024, the Hellenic MPSOTC successfully conducted the “NATO Peace Support Operations Basic Course 2024.” A total of 24 students from seven countries attended this comprehensive training program. Our dedicated international team, comprising army officers, policemen, lawyers, psychologists, and veterinarians, ensured a thorough and effective learning experience for all participants. The …

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MPSOTC Change of Command Ceremony


On Monday 29 April 2024, Colonel Dimitrios Karatzas assumed the duties as the new Commander of the Hellenic MPSOTC and relieved Colonel Thomas Gavranopoulos, during a change of command ceremony, with the presence of Major General Athanasios Kontos, Commander of the II Mech Division. General Kontos thanked Colonel Gavranopoulos for the accomplishments of MPSOTC during …

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