Participation of Delegation of the Hellenic MPSOTC in ″Annual Disciplines Forum 2025″
Participation of Delegation of the Hellenic MPSOTC in ″Annual Disciplines Forum 2025″
Participation of Delegation of the Hellenic MPSOTC in Conference on “Law in Armed Conflicts”
Participation of Delegation of the Hellenic MPSOTC in Conference on “Law in Armed Conflicts”
Cross Cultural Competency for CSDP Missions and Operations Course (ESDC)
Cross Cultural Competency for CSDP Missions and Operations Course (ESDC)
Security Management in Situational Prevention Course (Online)
Security Management in Situational Prevention Course (Online)
International Humanitarian Law Course (Online)
International Humanitarian Law Course (Online)
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Participation of Delegation of the Hellenic MPSOTC  in ″Annual Disciplines Forum 2025″
Participation of Delegation of the Hellenic MPSOTC in ″Annual Disciplines Forum 2025″
Participation of Delegation of the Hellenic MPSOTC in Conference on “Law in Armed Conflicts”
Participation of Delegation of the Hellenic MPSOTC in Conference on “Law in Armed Conflicts”
Cross Cultural Competency for CSDP Missions and Operations Course (ESDC)
Cross Cultural Competency for CSDP Missions and Operations Course (ESDC)
Security Management in Situational Prevention Course (Online)
Security Management in Situational Prevention Course (Online)
International Humanitarian Law Course (Online)
International Humanitarian Law Course (Online)
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Welcome on MPSOTC

Welcome to the official website of the Multinational Peace Support Education Center (MPSOTC). MPSOTC is a multinational training center of the Hellenic Armed Forces with the aim of providing certified training by the UN, NATO, ECAA and OSCE.